Latest News: 21 March 2021
We have spent the past few weeks, since the Government set out its Roadmap, examining the possibilities of holding our Dance week at the end of May. The Trustees have held considered discussions, and have now made the decision to cancel this year’s dance festival.
We understand that this will come as a disappointment to you all, but it is not a decision that we have taken lightly. The health of all involved has been first and foremost in our thoughts. We do not consider it safe to hold the festival this year, but a risk. Also, the Roadmap does not provide fixed, deliverable dates; so we do not know what we could put on this year. What we do know is that we would be unable to provide you full performance opportunities, feedback, and enjoyment, the high-quality festival that you have all come to know and appreciate at Croydon. Thus, it would be a compromised experience for everyone, as well as presenting risk.
We are pleased to say that we do have the Fairfield Halls booked for the half-term week in May 2022 and look forward to seeing you then. The syllabus will be circulated and the entry system opened in February, with a March deadline.
We will of course now issue refunds of entry fees for this year’s festival. All those who have entered will receive an email with details of how to claim.
With very best wishes to you all, and thanks for your understanding,
The CPAF Team